Stereotype is something people use to describe a particular kind person or thing. This happens almost in everywhere in the world. And my country is not an exception. White people in big cities in my country, for example, they believe that all black people are robbers, because some day they see a black guy doing this, or because someone told them something like this, they took this in general, it cannot be so. However, they keep that idea. There is a case that when a white person see a black person in the street, immediately, they say, that black is a robber, be careful, do not trust him. I think that this is a wrong idea, because we cannot generalize a particular situation that you have had to a whole group of people.
This kind a stereotype used to happen in my country some decades ago, but this was because some Medias sold that idea in movies, newspapers, magazines and television, where some blacks were responsible of all the bad things that happened. However, today people have understood that those misbehaviors are not only of some blacks, but also some whites or others ethnic groups.
Another stereotype that my country suffers today is that all people are drug traffickers. That is not true. That is the wrong idea that the international Medias have sold to the world, but Colombia is more than that. I think that the international Medias should show the positive things of this country. For example, the culture, the food, the nature, and the costumes: Things that attract international people to see and enjoy.
This is similar to some situations in the United States. Unfortunately this kind of discrimination is still alive around the word, even though it is silly to discriminate based on skin color.