In the United States and in England pirates have been very popular. They believe these are people who fought and stole ships in the sea. People say that they are brave warriors. They are very scared. They covered one of their eyes and they sometimes had a hook in one of their hand and feather in the hat. They used a gun or sword. They liked valuable treasures. In the past, they moved from one place to another in searching of these treasures. They were so dangerous that they did not trust each other. One well-known pirate is The Pirate Morgan. He traveled through the Caribbean Sea. He found many treasures. He killed many native people and he got their treasures. Now day there are not only pirates in the sea but also there are in land and in the space. In contrast, ninja is Japanese practice used in the 14th century. They were dressed in all- black suit, or they sometime dressed in the same way as a samurai. People used this practice to defend themselves from robbers. They used different weapons and trick to fight the enemy. They used gunpowder and smoke bomb and firecrackers and small sword and sand. Ninja often wrapped cloth, leather, or wore metal gloves around their hands to avoid breaking their knuckles and immobilizing them. Today pirates and ninjas both are in the movie as science fiction.
According to the information above, I think that ninjas would win the fight, because they have more weapons and tricks. They use more the mind than the pirates. Pirates are ruder and they are prepared to fight in the sea and ninja are prepared to fight everywhere; in addition, ninjas are short and this is an advantage, pirates are tall.
According to the information above, I think that ninjas would win the fight, because they have more weapons and tricks. They use more the mind than the pirates. Pirates are ruder and they are prepared to fight in the sea and ninja are prepared to fight everywhere; in addition, ninjas are short and this is an advantage, pirates are tall.
Personally, I think ninjas would win in this fight too...but maybe there are short pirates and tall ninjas somewhere too?